

Exclusive Services

ASL excels as the number one delivery partner providing companies with a hassle-free experience to deliver products to their customers inside Qatar…safely.

Parcel & Document Shipping/Courier

Parcel & Document Shipping/Courier

  • Express export / import documents
  • Express export / import non-documents
  • Special Services : Same-day / Next-day delivery

Freight Shipping

Freight Shipping

  • All type of goods import & export
  • Export / import dangerous goods

Logistics Solutions

Logistics Solutions

  • Transport any type of goods
  • Warehousing
    • Temperature controlled facility
    • 24 / 7 services
    • Insurance
    • Any specifications & sizes
    • Security at all times

Customs Clearance

Customs Clearance

  • Courier handling as one of 4 licensed courier companies in Qatar
  • 24 / 7 clearance
  • Professional clearance team
  • Online & pre-clearance

Special Packing

Special Packing

  • Any type of goods
  • Wooden boxes
  • Dangerous goods

Road Freight

Road Freight

  • Office at borders
  • 24 / 7 services
  • Quick-line clearance

Corporate Accounts

Corporate Accounts

  • Global Accounts Management
  • Major Accounts Rates

Online Shipping

Online Shipping

  • MYBOX : Create account at USA, Canada and China

Sure We Can

ASL offers a corporate experience by providing company-oriented and offshore business services tailored to meet your company's needs to the fullest